
I’ve had a good week. Work, focus, goals, clear direction; been pacing myself too. Output, it’s weird hey, it’s kinda making space in my head. Less self-pity, more expression – getting the things out that need to come out. And through this, I suppose you could even say that I’m reigniting my voice in the world.

Meaning, purpose, yep all that. Creative outlets, helping others, this too. It’s maybe that I like sharing what I’ve learnt (or what I’m going through) as it helps me to understand, then I can recalibrate or apply whatever gold I see. Things that make me a better person and tools that help me to cope. I love growth. Yep. And, my growth, when I talk about it, hopefully it can translate and serve as inspiration for anybody else who’s out there struggling. Hashtag lead by example.

If I didn’t do this, I feel like I’d be giving up. Settling for shitsville.

I’m choosing life

Strong, congruent, value-based, courageous, purposeful, driven; this is who I’m wanting to be.

I have stuff to teach, yes. But I feel like I still have a lot to learn and adopt as well.

Ultraman. Gundam.

Anyhow, this is just a brief little update of where I’m at. Haha, and a somewhat robotic update at that. Sorry. This whole “moving the lens” within my head thing, it’s full on, as I’m realising my head has been quite askew. Like I’ve noticed this has impacted my writing heaps; I haven’t been so fan or creative. Urrgh, I miss writing hooks.

But this update, this isn’t what I’m wanting to talk about so much, this was more about documenting this moment in time. You see, there is something that is directly connected to everything that’s going on here – the catalyst, the cogs that are shifting the needle – as strangely it’s the project that I’m working on that is driving all this change.

Yeah, something I’ve wanted to do for a long time now is to create an online course, or specifically I’ve wanted to create a resource to help people overcome adversity. The online course is simply what I thought would be the best way to do this. So, I’ve written the whole outline, in fact, I’ve written the whole first draft for all the modules now. I have all my preliminary ideas down on paper; it’s all very cool. But what I never considered, like in creating this course, I never thought about how this process might impact me. Or, benefit me. Like, I’m definitely in the headspace of “opportunity in adversity” and the flow-on effects are clear.

Ha, well at least I know the course works ay! I’m like the ultimate experiment and test subject.

A friend actually said this to me:

“Whenever you build and record a course like this, remember it’s as much a personal growth journey for yourself to go through. You need to make sure you are applying each one of the principals to yourself as you are creating the content. This will be a great course that will help many”

I feel this too. Also, I feel like I’m currently on the right path for me.

Output. Create, create, create. Apply.

And to build a resource library to help others struggling with adversity. To be that voice for those who are suffering.

Ps. I’ll share a more detailed overview of the course very soon. Totoro.

About Mark

For all things a day-dreamer, a larrikin and an undeniable fighter. Mark advocates for both Adversity and Lyme Disease; and boasts a real passion for green living, nutrition and organic foods. Oh and he's a quadriplegic too. This spirited life coach, with prior background in marketing & advertising, now has more recent aspirations that include becoming a published author, and a business owner too. And when well enough, Mark’s also ticking off his bucket list, and he also volunteers with the Starlight Children’s Foundation. Mark is an ACIM student, an adventurer, and a sneaker collector. His dream is to one day get better and ride a bicycle around Australia.

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