Reliance on Technology

For everybody, today’s reliance on technology, simply put, it’s flat out cray cray – and I’m specifically referring to computers and mobile phones. It’s like they’ve become an extension of our physical bodies, which in the future I’m guessing this will become fact (with stuff like NeuroLink), but bloody hell. Is this really the best path forward? Dunno, maybe it is?

I do feel lucky though, I mean, when I was a kid I do feel like I had a different sense of freedom. When compared to somebody who might be growing up today, I feel like I experienced a certain joy in not starring at a screen so much, and at times not being able to be contacted. The world was still so big, there was a thrill in exploring the unknown, whereas nowadays pretty much absolutely everything is available at the touch of a button (from a device that lives in our pocket).

Hence, the world is much smaller now, like I could instantly message (and become friends with) someone in Norway, Nigeria or New York if I really wanted. Watch South Korean tv, maybe livestream a dance party in Brazil. It’s freakin amazing. Plus, the equitable access to educational platforms, this is pretty cool. You can find anything on YouTube hey!? So, I’m definitely not saying all this tech is a bad thing, it’s just a different era. 

Blah, blah, long intro, sorry… you see, what I actually want to talk about today is this reliance on tech aspect, and not so much about people freaking out when they can’t find their phones (we all know about that), instead I want to talk about my own reliance on tech. Which, in some ways is probably similar to everybody else in terms of surfing the internet or whatever, however where I differ is in how I physically use these devices. Also, my level of dependence is a bit different too – like I literally use tech to communicate.

Now, fun fact, as my arms and hands don’t work, I’ve never used a smartphone independently (even though I do own one, which is basically only used for emergencies and to Facetime, of course with the help of staff). So, the only device I’ve ever really used is a laptop computer, but more recently I have been experimenting with different tablets and iPads for my wheelchair. Specifically, these tablets are again for communication.

But my primary device, it’s this laptop that is hooked up to a tv that is attached to the ceiling above my bed, and this “second screen” thing is possible by running a super long HDMI cable through the roof. Anyway, I operate this laptop come huge monitor that illuminates my bed, it’s via a sensor that is mounted on top of the tv. This sensor then connects to some magic glasses that I wear, and it’s through this system that I move the mouse, click and write. But yeah, there’s one specific part to all this that I want to talk about.

You see, they don’t make my sensor anymore, sucks balls. And this is turning out to be a huge problem for me. Yeah, as it turns out, the Canadian company that made them has now moved into hands-free video game controls, which I tried one of these and they are nowhere near as sensitive as their “old” disability product – so it requires a lot more head movement to use it. I guess there’s more money in gaming than disability.

I’ve known that my sensor has been discontinued for about two years now, and throughout this time I’ve been both looking for and trailing substitutes, and honestly they’ve all been crap. See, where my problem lies (and why I’m looking for something so specific) I’m only able to do these micro head movements, so within this crazy specific niche of disability computer head sensor products, I then need to find one that’s super sensitive. Trust me, it is so much harder than it sounds.

About four months ago I did sorta find a substitute (which is still very clunky yet manageable I suppose, only what I’m currently using is 10X better) but before I get into this new device, I first want to say this…

What’s stressing me out, these Canadian sensors that I’m currently using (which I’m using probably my fifth one), from my experience they tend to last about two years before they shit themselves. I mean, fair enough I suppose, I do use these things a lot. But the one I’m currently using, eek blimey crikey, it’s about three years old – and I don’t have another. I’m actually super surprised that it’s lasted this long. In fact, hence the reality, it could just suddenly die any day.

And this is not fun or a game, it’s through this sensor that I communicate with the world. Plus, most importantly, it’s through this device that I write instructions to staff, which in many instances this is how I keep my daily life going and myself safe. So, as I mentioned earlier, as you can see my level of dependence on tech is that little bit different to everybody else. Technology is an extension of my person, it’s a huge part of how I function and enables at least some sort of autonomy.

So, I fully understand the urgency in getting this new second sensor up and running perfectly – which has been somewhat unsuccessful thus far. Like I said, it’s just clunky, plus the tracking is jerky and it’s not as accurate with the mouse. For instance, it’s not that easy to land on the letters on the on-screen keyboard, this is because the mouse sensor feels like it’s floating. Geez, I hope that makes some sort of sense. Nevertheless, we keep trying to get it right, which bloody hell fingers crossed that hopefully one day we do. Yeah, it’s currently like this whole abyss of settings and bullshit.

Actually, because of the urgency associated with this need for a new highly functional sensor, diving into this abyss has led me to get a whole new computer setup. So, as advised by my tech guy (who said that this new sensor is much more compliant with Apple products, as to are the automated controls within the building where I live – so I can open doors and the window blinds frim my computer), so I now have a brand new Macbook and iPad Pro. But neither freaking work properly with this new sensor (which I’m super annoyed about, like Apple products are stupid expensive), in fact this Apple setup is turning out to be much worse. I’m devo’d.

Like even on my old HP laptop which is about eight years old, then using it in conjunction with an old Microsoft tablet, I think this surprisingly still works better with the new sensor. Only this old HP laptop is about to die as well (along with the old Canadian sensor), like the fan makes these loud noises from time to time, plus it will just shut itself down occasionally. Urrgh, what a total nightmare.

Yeah, so I’m desperate for all this new kit, which I do have, only I can’t use it yet because I can’t get this bloody Barney Rubble of a sensor to work properly. So, I currently have all these nice and shiny Apple ornaments in my bedroom, just gathering dust. I am super pissed off. But like I said earlier, we do keep trying to get this thing going, which again fingers crossed. Also, furthermore, we’re currently in conversations with the manufacturers, yep trying to work out if we can tweak the sensitivity even more. Still, OMG, what a drama.

In the meantime though, let’s just hope that that current Canadian sensor keeps on chugging. It is kinda crazy hey, like my level of dependence on this what is now an irreplaceable little globe and microchip that sits on top of my tv, and if it does blow I am kinda instantly up shit creek without a yahzoo. And this stressful reality, this anxiety inducing reality, this is something that’s been hanging over my head for a few years now (in spite of my many efforts to find a suitable replacement). Like one day it could jus

About Mark

For all things a day-dreamer, a larrikin and an undeniable fighter. Mark advocates for both Adversity and Lyme Disease; and boasts a real passion for green living, nutrition and organic foods. Oh and he's a quadriplegic too. This spirited life coach, with prior background in marketing & advertising, now has more recent aspirations that include becoming a published author, and a business owner too. And when well enough, Mark’s also ticking off his bucket list, and he also volunteers with the Starlight Children’s Foundation. Mark is an ACIM student, an adventurer, and a sneaker collector. His dream is to one day get better and ride a bicycle around Australia.

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